The above companies, under the distinctive reference title “PRUDENTIAL – B. MARGHIOS & PARTNERS”, operate under the supervision of Mr. B. Marghios, licensed actuary, who is closely supported by new collaborators, scientists and researchers.
“PRUDENTIAL – B. MARGHIOS & PARTNERS” Prudential cooperates with the largest international actuarial firms on a global basis, (such as Willis Towers Watson, Mercer LLC, Buck Consultants LLC, etc.) offering solutions and full coverage, in line with the legislation framework and constant development of specialized requirements and needs that focus on consulting services concerning the area of employee benefits for all three pillars of the insurance system (Social Insurance, Private Insurance, Occupational Pension Funds)[/invory_about_shortcode]
[invory_contact_form_shortcode title=”contact us” contact=”yes”]Tel: +30 210 64 30 540
Fax: +30 210 64 70 063
Address: 148 Momferatou Street, 114 75